Roof leaks can be a homeowner’s nightmare. They not only cause damage to the interior of a house but can also be expensive to repair. As a roofer, you understand the importance of ensuring that your customers have a leak-free roof. Offering LeakFREE® Roof Certifications is not only a valuable service but can also set you apart from the competition.

In this article, we will explore how roofers can provide LeakFREE® Roof Certifications to their customers, emphasizing the importance of these certifications and the benefits they offer.

What Are LeakFREE® Roof Certifications?

LeakFREE® Roof Certifications are a testament to the quality and durability of your roofing work. These certifications assure homeowners that their roofs are free from leaks and water damage, giving them peace of mind. Providing LeakFREE® Roof Certifications involves a comprehensive inspection of the roof to identify any potential issues and ensuring that it meets industry standards for waterproofing and integrity.

The Importance of LeakFREE® Roof Certifications

  1. Homeowner Peace of Mind: Homeowners want to know that their roofs are protecting their homes effectively. A LeakFREE® Roof Certification provides them with the assurance that their roof is in excellent condition, reducing anxiety about potential leaks and costly repairs.
  2. Added Property Value: Having a LeakFREE® Roof Certification can increase the value of a property. Prospective buyers often look for this certification as it indicates a well-maintained and leak-free roof, potentially justifying a higher selling price.
  3. Warranty Compliance: Manufacturers’ warranties often require regular inspections and maintenance to remain valid. Providing LeakFREE® Roof Certifications ensures that your customers are compliant with warranty terms, saving them money on potential future repairs.

Steps to Provide LeakFREE® Roof Certifications

  1. Comprehensive Roof Inspection: Start by conducting a thorough roof inspection. Look for signs of damage, wear and tear, or potential issues that could lead to leaks. Pay attention to flashing, shingles, vents, and any other roof components.
  2. Repair Any Issues: If you identify any problems during the inspection, address them promptly. Repairing issues now can prevent costly damage later. Make sure the roof is in excellent condition before proceeding.
  3. Waterproofing and Testing: Apply appropriate waterproofing solutions to vulnerable areas like seams, joints, and flashing. Test the roof’s water-shedding capabilities to ensure it can handle heavy rainfall without leaks.
  4. Documentation: Document the entire inspection process and repairs made. Include photographs and detailed notes to support your certification. This documentation will be valuable for both you and your customer.
  5. LeakFREE® Roof Certification: Once you are confident that the roof is leak-free and meets industry standards, issue the LeakFREE® Roof Certification to your customer. Ensure it is clearly labeled with your company’s logo and contact information.

Marketing LeakFREE® Roof Certifications

  1. Website Optimization: Update your website with information about LeakFREE® Roof Certifications.
  2. Content Marketing: Create blog posts or articles like this one that highlight the benefits of LeakFREE® Roof Certifications. Share your expertise and educate your audience on the importance of roof certifications.
  3. Social Media Promotion: Share success stories, customer testimonials, and before-and-after photos of roofs you’ve certified on your social media platforms. Use relevant hashtags and keywords.
  4. Email Marketing: Send newsletters to your existing customer base, informing them about your new LeakFREE® Roof Certification service. Offer special promotions or discounts to encourage uptake.


Providing LeakFREE® Roof Certifications is a valuable service that not only benefits homeowners but also sets you apart as a roofer committed to quality and customer satisfaction.

By following the steps outlined in this article and effectively marketing your certification service, you can increase your business’s visibility and reputation in the industry, all while helping your customers enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a leak-free roof.
