Women have been disproportionately underrepresented in the roofing industry; however, times are changing and women are increasingly seeking career opportunities in this field. Many women find that they possess a number of skills and qualities that make them ideal candidates for roofing jobs, such as strength, excellent problem-solving skills, and an eye for detail.

To help aspiring female roofers recognize the various opportunities for women in roofing, it’s important to know what resources are available. From industry-specific groups to women’s business networks, there are a number of options that women interested in the field of roofing can explore.

Let’s take a closer look at the resources and opportunities for women in roofing:

Women in Roofing: Organizations

For women already working in the field, organizations like National Women in Roofing (NWIR) offer great opportunities to connect. National Women in Roofing provides a forum for women in the industry to network and share information and resources with each other, as well as advocate for women’s rights in the workplace.

Another valuable resource is women’s business networks like Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). These organizations provide women business owners with the support and resources they need to succeed. WBENC offers certification programs, educational events and networking opportunities that women roofers can take advantage of.

For women who are just getting started in roofing, trade associations like National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) are a great source of information and education. NRCA provides a variety of resources, including training programs, certification courses and networking opportunities.

Opportunities for Women in Roofing

The roofing industry is beginning to recognize the potential of women and is offering increasing opportunities. For example, women are able to pursue apprenticeships in roofing, which enable them to gain valuable experience while earning a wage. Companies are also recognizing that women represent an untapped talent pool and are actively recruiting female roofers with competitive salaries.

The benefits of women entering the roofing industry are twofold. Firstly, women bring a unique set of skills and aptitudes to the role, which can improve workflows and job site safety. Secondly, women in prominent leadership positions can encourage other women to pursue career opportunities in roofing.

In order for women to take advantage of these opportunities, they must be aware that such opportunities exist. The best way to do this is to connect with existing women in the roofing industry who can provide valuable advice and mentorship. Furthermore, women should make sure that their resumes are up-to-date and tailored for roofing jobs in order to stand out from the crowd.

At the end of the day, women should be empowered to pursue their goals in roofing and take advantage of the growing opportunities available. By taking advantage of these opportunities and the available resources to do so, women can learn more about the industry and gain access to networks that can help them succeed.
